Crisis Management

I promise we will stand by you with a tailored strategy, and tools which will enable you to grow from the crisis.
Just like a good journalistic story, crisis-management should also be handled appropriately from a communication standpoint.
The tools I have developed over the years will enable us to plan a rescue path, and a crisis-management roadmap that also includes some potential offense markings.
Whether in the context of Workers’ Struggle or Competition in Business; sometimes you want to fight for your rights, and even start a crisis in order to reach the goal you aim for.

איך עושים את זה?
תחקיר יסודי ואסטרטגיה תקשורתית בהתאם ליעדים
ניהול תקשורתי של האירוע מול עיתונאים וכלי התקשורת
השגת שליטה במשבר וצמצום פגיעה במוניטין
ליווי המנכ"ל בניהול המשבר גם מול עובדי החברה ולקוחותיה
החזרה לשגרה, שיקום תדמית וסיוע בבניית חיסון ארגוני

How can it be done?
In-depth research, and in accordance with your goals, putting a media strategy in place.
Communication-management vis-à-vis journalists and media.
Establishing control over the event, and minimizing the potential reputation's damage.
Accompanying the CEO during the crisis-management in communication vis-à-vis employees, customers, and stakeholders.
Getting back to routine, recovering, and emerging stronger.